

Проведи день с удовольствием и пользой в компании прекрасных девушек!
Что будет?
  • Yoga Practice: Практика на раскрытие женственности
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Оставь весь мир позади и погрузись в состояние легкости и свободы.
  • Networking: Обмен полезными контактами и информацией
  • Mango Dreams and Coconut Whispers: Легкий завтрак - свежие фрукты, кокосовая вода, полезные дессерты
  • Masterclass: Мы научимся готовить полезные десерты, не требующие запекания
  • Amazing state and mood: Если вы чувствуете упадок сил или затянувшееся плохое настроение, мы найдем способ как вдохнуть в вас энергию!
  • Photo&video shooting: Прекрасная возможность сделать потрясающие фото и видео для инстаграм. Приносите свои продукты и готовьтесь рассказать про свои услуги
«С помощью практики йоги и медитаций мы перепрограммируем наше тело и сознание на эффективную работу и счастливое состояние. С помощью нетворкинга мы формируем вокруг себя поддерживающий нас эгрегор, чтобы сохранять это состояние каждый день!»
Inna Raduto
Luxury villa
Practical Details

  • Dates: 15, 16, 17, 18 Мая, 2024
  • Time: 10:00 - 14:00
  • Location: Samui, Thailand
  • Investment in You: THB 2500 (оплата на месте)
  • Group size: максимум 6
Inna Raduto
Yoga instructor (YTT 500), mindfulness coach, BALANCYOGA founder
Привет, моя дорогая! Рада с тобой познакомиться!
Я Инна Радуто, основатель проекта, объединяющего йогу, нейробиологию и психологию в одну систему.

Я живу в Лондоне, у меня своя студия и частные клиенты. Несколько месяцев в год я провожу здесь, на Самуи, и обожаю этот остров!

Моя миссия - объединять вокруг себя людей, создавая Blue Zone - безопасное, безоценочное, здоровое место для роста и развития, в котором мы учимся жить активной, здоровой, наполненной радостью жизнью и эффективно развивать свой бизнес, сохраняя баланс.

Очень рада тебе!
Our Clients Love Us
Здесь отзывы на английском, на русском закреплены в хайлайтс в инстаграм inna.raduto
  • Marina

    I eagerly anticipate Inna's class because it leaves my body and mind feeling incredible after each yoga session. Her sequences are consistently gratifying, and it's as if she intuitively understands my needs. Her voice resonates with power and gentle care simultaneously. As I listen, I find myself relaxing, surrendering to her guidance.

    The most gratifying aspect is that after just one month of practicing yoga with Inna, I observed a noticeable weight loss without feeling stressed. Also now I can enjoy peaceful nights without the panic attacks that used to trouble me. I sense that my life is finally under full control.

  • Jackie
    English teacher

    I’m bursting with newfound energy, a sensation I haven’t experienced in ages! Mornings are now a breeze — I wake up with ease, and my body feels primed for movement. No more stiffness, no more pain. And the most remarkable transformation: my shoulder pain has vanished completely! It’s like a miracle — I can rotate it freely after years of struggling. I'm really happy with that!

    Regarding the back pain I've been complaining about for a year, I'm no longer experiencing any issues with it. In fact, my overall health situation has dramatically improved! I'm truly amazed. But there's another delightful change — I've noticed it in my clothes. That top I bought last summer, which I loved but was too small? Well, now it's too big! And it's not just me who's noticing — other people have commented on it too, and hearing those observations from others feels really nice.

  • Kenul

    Yoga is like a soft power on a body — great for those who have long established patterns of ‘bossy’ conditioned mind opposing to almost any new routines. And with yoga one can go as slowly and gently tricking the mind not to rebel. So here is the magic — with just little commitment, body, seemingly the same, slowly starts to open up showing the improved agility and resilience, stamina, softness and these are just a tip of an iceberg , because the real transformation happens from within.

    In this meaningful journey, here is Inna with her incredibly soft and convincing voice, enormous patience and desire to implement new habits with her students.

    She is eager to bring neuroscience and yoga to a common denominator for curious logical/scientific’ minds.

    I cannot but mention the most enjoyable part of training with Inna - shavasana. Never was I able to quiet my mind so easily and effectively as with Inna. Because she leads Shavasana so skilfully, the post-training muscle tensions and aches one gets from intensive training is never the case with Inna, thanks to her ability to completely relax your muscles and make them ‘forget’ difficulties of the training, hence coaxing your mind into a new ally! Soft power in action!

Contact us:
WhatsApp: +447711014827
Telegram: inna_raduto
Seomama Limited, 7 Albert Buildings, 49 Queen Victoria Street, London, England, EC4N 4SA
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