atomic story
The story of healing and rejuvenation of BALANCYOGA founder Inna Raduto
"I hope my story reminds you to make changes before your body forces you to stop with pain, signalling that it’s time to alter your lifestyle. Preventive medicine may still be a future concept, but we can grasp that future starting from this moment. That’s exactly what I did." Inna Raduto

Inna was a successful career woman, working as the Marketing Director at a major company.

At the age of forty, she realised that her lifestyle was not bringing her happiness or making her body strong and beautiful, despite her efforts with regular exercise and an active lifestyle. She began suffering from severe headaches and constant body tension. Conventional medicine recommended powerful painkillers.

In that moment, sitting in the doctor's office, Inna understood: "I am not ready to accept the final chapter of my life on painkillers. I want my body to feel youthful, healthy, and full of energy. I want to live a life filled with joy and happiness!"

Inna began studying neurobiology and evidence-based body reprogramming programs such as yoga and meditation, along with various scientific research on active longevity and biohacking. She realised that the social system we live in is fundamentally flawed, and conventional medicine is completely outdated. It was a revelation!

"Many scientists are warning us that we need to change our social norms, traditions, and daily habits. What we consider normal is incredibly far from what our bodies need to feel good! The way we move, sleep, eat, think, work, rest, celebrate, begin life, and age is socially conditioned but completely outdated. We constantly damage our bodies, thinking that if everyone does it, it must be normal. But it’s not! It’s crucial to understand now that we can age while keeping our bodies in much better condition by simply incorporating very simple but extremely beneficial habits into our lives. We need to reprogram our bodies for a better life."

Inna implemented all the new scientifically-backed longevity recommendations into her life. She transformed her lifestyle and habits. She found a new source of energy and started a new career that changed her life.

"I always worked for money, but only when I began doing what truly mattered to me did the big money start coming. The fact that people started paying me thousands of pounds for my private yoga sessions means they genuinely value the results they achieve."

Inna is the founder of the BALANCYOGA yoga and mindfulness club. She started by transforming herself, then her clients, her community, and the system as a whole. Inna joined a program to help women in India. Along with other influential individuals, she helps women obtain notable professions and find employment. She supports various charities that assist people in changing their lives.

Inna occasionally organises yoga retreats in some of the most stunning locations around the world. Successful people and celebrities frequently participate in her retreats.

Inna managed to completely transform her life at 40. You can do the same.

Join the BALANCYOGA club and integrate all the benefits of our community into your life.

Brief overview of Inna's

Inna Raduto is an experienced Yoga Instructor and Wellness Expert with over fifteen years of practice (Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) 500, Yoga Therapy 200).

Inna specialises in HATHA and VINYASA as well as IYENGAR and SOMATIC yoga styles, offering classes suitable for beginners as well as intermediate level yogis.

Inna integrates traditional yoga with insights from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), neuroscience, and body reprogramming (NHS proven program). As the founder of active longevity project BALANCYOGA, she is helping clients worldwide achieve healthier, happier and more active lives.

Additional skills. Inna has gained expertise in Marketing, Events Management, Product and Project Development as well as in Career Coaching.

Inna’s innovative approach has earned her global recognition including Best Career Coach award at the 2021 Successful Ladies Awards. She is dedicated to guiding individuals toward sustainable well-being through online and offline training programs.

You can find more information about Inna's professional background as well as reviews following her Linkedin page.

  • Marina

    I eagerly anticipate Inna's class because it leaves my body and mind feeling incredible after each yoga session. Her sequences are consistently gratifying, and it's as if she intuitively understands my needs. Her voice resonates with power and gentle care simultaneously. As I listen, I find myself relaxing, surrendering to her guidance.

    The most gratifying aspect is that after just one month of practicing yoga with Inna, I observed a noticeable weight loss without feeling stressed. Also now I can enjoy peaceful nights without the panic attacks that used to trouble me. I sense that my life is finally under full control.

  • Jackie
    English teacher

    I’m bursting with newfound energy, a sensation I haven’t experienced in ages! Mornings are now a breeze — I wake up with ease, and my body feels primed for movement. No more stiffness, no more pain. And the most remarkable transformation: my shoulder pain has vanished completely! It’s like a miracle — I can rotate it freely after years of struggling. I'm really happy with that!

    Regarding the back pain I've been complaining about for a year, I'm no longer experiencing any issues with it. In fact, my overall health situation has dramatically improved! I'm truly amazed. But there's another delightful change — I've noticed it in my clothes. That top I bought last summer, which I loved but was too small? Well, now it's too big! And it's not just me who's noticing — other people have commented on it too, and hearing those observations from others feels really nice.

  • Kenul

    Yoga is like a soft power on a body — great for those who have long established patterns of ‘bossy’ conditioned mind opposing to almost any new routines. And with yoga one can go as slowly and gently tricking the mind not to rebel. So here is the magic — with just little commitment, body, seemingly the same, slowly starts to open up showing the improved agility and resilience, stamina, softness and these are just a tip of an iceberg , because the real transformation happens from within.

    In this meaningful journey, here is Inna with her incredibly soft and convincing voice, enormous patience and desire to implement new habits with her students.

    She is eager to bring neuroscience and yoga to a common denominator for curious logical/scientific’ minds.

    I cannot but mention the most enjoyable part of training with Inna - savasana. Never was I able to quiet my mind so easily and effectively as with Inna. Because she leads Savasana so skilfully, the post-training muscle tensions and aches one gets from intensive training is never the case with Inna, thanks to her ability to completely relax your muscles and make them ‘forget’ difficulties of the training, hence coaxing your mind into a new ally! Soft power in action!

Write your own active longevity story!
Life changing experience in the best places of this world
Retreat in September on Samui
16-28 September 2024
Retreat Yoga Therapy for 60+ on Samui
1-14 September 2024
Breathtaking moments from our community gathering
Add a new dimension to your active lifestyle by exploring the breathtaking beauty of Great Britain. Discover Inna's favourite spots, all compiled in a set of guides just for you.
(The guides are temporarily available only in Russian)
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